A Few Memories… Celebrating Dr. Hubbel’s 64 Years in Practice!

In celebration of Dr. Hubbel’s 64 years in practice, we’ve asked our staff to reminisce on their favorite memories. 

Some of Karen’s favourite memories with Dr. Hubbel were when they took x-rays at the Third Street office together. At the old office, they took their own x-rays of patients to evaluate their posture and conditions, and assessed those images together to help patients get better. Rumour has it that you can still catch them reading x-rays together to this day, although now, using a computer and digital imaging. 

One of Julie’s fondest memories was of Dr. Hubbel as head cheerleader for our Mud Girl race in 2022. He had to wait quite a while (some of those obstacles got the better of us), but he was all smiles and cheers as we crossed the finish line. He is always supporting us in one way or another in our adventures. 

Carleigh notes that one of her favourite things about Dr. Hubbel is his sense of humour. On days where they work together, we hear Carleigh giggling through the day whenever she catches one of Dr. H’s classic one-liners. She remembers him telling a patient who hurt herself shoveling: “Do your best to avoid shoveling, if you see a shovel, just walk around it!”. 

Carolyn remembers that she and her husband, Flynn (both longtime patients of Dr. Hubbel) were out walking their dog, when they saw Dr. H and waved. When she arrived home, she got a call from Dr. Hubbel. At the time, he was looking to hire a new staff member, and had called to see if she would like to shadow Karen. She says that she sees Dr. Hubbel as a true gentleman, who is always caring and sincere to patients and all of us who work with him. 

Myranda shares one memory of parking next to Dr. H during a snowstorm… She couldn't see the lines and parked farther away from him than she normally would. He commented “you might be able to fit another car in between!” and laughed. Once all the snow melted it turned out that Myranda was nicely between the lines and Dr H’s car was occupying two spots. Ha! 

Louise remembers bringing her son, Cody, into the clinic to be adjusted by Dr. H soon after he was born. Both Cody and Louise were adjusted after his birth and have been long time patients throughout most of their lives.

Debra Sanders, Dr. H’s receptionist at theThird Street office and the old Elgin Street clinic shares a memory of receiving a gift basket from a young mother after Dr Hubbel adjusted her new baby. When they first met the baby, they were colicky. The baby in the picture on the basket had a smile even the mom had never seen before. Both mom and baby were much happier after the adjustment. 

Patricia Pink, Dr. Hubbel’s office manager at Third Street, shares a memory of her first interaction with Dr. Hubbel - during her interview. She was running late for the interview, and as she ran up to the office, he was holding the door open for her as she walked in. If you know Dr. H well, you know punctuality is one of his key values. He laughed and reminded Pat that she was 3 minutes late. We think she must’ve done well in that interview to overcome her tardiness, as she went on to work a full career alongside Dr. H. 

One of Dr. Johnston's favourite memories with Dr. Hubbel is when she was learning the Activator technique. He allowed her to shadow him, and help with certain adjustments to become proficient and confident in the technique within her first few months of working together. She reflects on his kindness, and in their time together, her appreciation for his mentorship. Dr. Hubbel was an Activator Methods Instructor, teaching the technique all over North America for many years. With his guidance, Dr. Johnston became an Activator Instructor as well. 

For as long as Dr. Leguard can remember, she idolized her grandfather, and spent countless hours with him and her Grandma Joan at their beautiful home on Third Street. Truly, she credits her grandfather for the beautiful career that she has built, as he inspired her to be a chiropractor with his passion for excellent care, and how much he changed his patient’s lives with how he treated them. He never pressured her to be a chiropractor, but always supported her in her dream since she was a toddler. His kindness, extreme empathy, and focus on doing things right will be something that she tries to carry on as she continues his legacy. Now as one of the owners of the clinic, and a busy doctor, she is even more thankful to have her grandpa as a mentor. Dr. Leguard feels so lucky to have grown up with a grandfather who was not only a best friend, but a role model, and one who has waited many years so that they could practice together too.


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