January 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome 2024 and all it has to offer. With the new year comes resolutions, goal setting and changes we want to make for ourselves or our families. At Hubbel & Johnston Chiropractic we have words of the year. The book “ One word that will change your life” is a great read and walks you through how to choose your word, or recognize it when it comes to you. These words help us stay focussed on our goals and passions throughout the year. Each one of us comes up with a word by reviewing our past year and past year’s word. How did that word serve us? Did we stick with the word all year? Did we forget the word? There is no right answer… sometimes our word can switch mid year if our focus changes or a major life event happens and we need to pivot. It is always a good idea to revisit your word and why you chose it throughout the year to help refocus and get us back on track with our goals. 

We also chose a clinic word for the year. For 2024 our clinic word is…refine

Some of our team’s words this year are freedom, heal, create, tranquility and listen.

Let us know if you also choose a word of the year and what it is if you feel comfortable sharing. 

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday filled with love and joy and good health. Dr J had a nice week off with her family from Dec 22 to January 2! Dr L is spending a well deserved w eek in Hawaii with her sisters and parents for the first week of January. What a beautiful way to ring in the new year! Our staff was able to take some time off here and there over the holiday break, spending lots of time with family and friends. We returned to treating patients January 2, rested and ready to serve! 

There are a lot of illnesses going around recently, it is good to remember to continue to wash your hands often and take your daily immune support vitamins to stay healthy and fight off any bugs you may contact. If you feel a cold or flu coming on and you need to reschedule your appointment please call us early so we can open your spot to someone else in need. We have masks available if you need one when you come into the office if you have a cough or feel you are more comfortable wearing one. Just ask our ladies.

Many insurance plans renew in January. If you have any changes to your plans please let our staff know so they have the proper information for direct billing. Our system is good, but it is not perfect! Every plan, even within the same insurance company or same employer, can be different and some allow us to direct bill the payment to our clinic while others will require the payment to go to the patient. If the payment is set to come to you the patient, we ask that you kindly pay for the treatment at the office and you will be reimbursed within a few business days. We can bill most plans directly and take that task away from you, however the payment methods may change. The way chiropractors direct-bill is different than how your dentist or pharmacist bills; it all has to do with the plan type and the insurance company. We ask that everyone be patient with our staff as they navigate this insurance universe and get to the best solution for our patients and our clinic.


February 2024