November - Updates

We thought November would stay warm-ish and cozy like October, but in areas north of Cobourg, we may start calling it “early winter”. Sorry to those who have seen the flurries land on their cars in the early mornings- poor Myranda has already had to clear off her car a few times before November has even started! 

Thanksgiving and Halloween were busy times in our office, and we hope that your October was wonderful too. Thanks to our Halloween queens (Dr. J, Carleigh, Louise and Myranda) had big plans for our staff to dress up as different Barbies, and our team really did execute. Dr. Hubbel rocked his role as Chiropractor Ken. Dr. Leguard really liked matching with Dr. H as Chiropractor Barbie. We had Holiday Barbie (Myranda), Cowgirl Barbie (Louise), Travel Barbie (Carleigh), Denim Barbie (Julie) and Apres Ski Barbie (Dr. Johnston). I’m sure the wheels are turning with our team for what we should dress up as next year. 

Dr. Johnston’s girls had fun going out as characters from Super Mario. Carleigh’s kids were seen out in Port Hope as Minnie Mouse and a Ninja. We are confident that they got their fair share of candy and chocolate… lets just hope they shared with their parents! 

November is here, which means we will start to shift into holiday gear. Decorations in our clinic go up after Remembrance Day on November 11, and we again are planning to participate in the “Giving Tree” locally as our fundraiser this year. We will only be accepting financial donations, and with our staff, will purchase the toys and clothing requested by the children on the “Giving Tree”. This year, our clinic will match all financial donations made by our patients so that we can support more children in our community.


November - Is this normal after and adjsutment?


October 2023 - Water Pillow? Roger Approves!