September 2023 - Updates
Happy September! With September comes families trying to get back into routine - whether that means getting ready for school, normalizing sleep schedules (good luck!), or getting back to normal work hours. We hope that everyone has a wonderful first week back to school, whether that means elementary or high school, or starting continuing in college or university. This is such an exciting and anxious time for many of us, we are here to support you however we can.
We are celebrating Dr. Johnston’s 8 year “doctor-aversary” in our office on September 1st. She has been in practice for 11 years, but has spent 8 years with us. We are also celebrating Karen’s 31st “office-aversary” on September 2nd. Can you believe that she has been putting up with Dr. Hubbel for 31 years? We are so thankful for them both.
Dr. Johnston’s eldest daughter, Alexandria will be going into senior kindergarten this year. She is super excited and for weeks, has had her outfit and backpack ready to go. Carleigh’s eldest, Roger, is going into grade 1 and her youngest, Delores (DJ) , will be starting junior kindergarten. Carleigh may need an extra little bit of love in the first week of September, as her baby goes off to school!
Dr. Leguard’s younger sister, Chloe, who has been a big help to us at the clinic this summer, is finally starting law school at Western University. In Chloe’s own words, she has been very excited to tell people that she’s going to law school, but less excited about all of the work of law school. Ha! Her middle sister, Ainsley, started working at Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt as an articling student in Toronto in August. Her first rotation has been busy thus far working in litigation.
As some of you may know, Myranda’s brother, Brayden Leclerc, has a metabolic disorder called Lafora Disease, which causes seizures. In the last month, Brady has had a flare up of his condition, and has spent much of the last month in the Peterborough ICU. Myranda (of course) has had to take some time off to help her family. Things are starting to look up, but we would appreciate your keeping Brayden in your thoughts and prayers.
Dr. Johnston will be away from September 14-22, and is traveling to Italy with her mom. She is open to any and all food related recommendations. Dr. Leguard is doing exceedingly well after her knee surgery and she will be back to her regular hours this month. Please, as always, call early if you need an appointment the same day or if you have to change an appointment. We try to accommodate everyone as we can, however, please let us know if you cannot make it as we can give that time to another patient in need.